Frequently Asked Questions


Am I fit enough?

Yes. “But you don’t know how fit I am”. It doesn’t matter. Eskrima is an alive art that can be made to work for you no matter what you are working with. Most training requires only a small amount of exertion but if we do anything that you feel you will struggle with then you are always free to take it at your own pace.

Am I too old?

No. Eskrima is an art that is flexible and fits any age, height, weight, or other physical characteristic. If you’re still not convinced then know that the average age of our adult class is over 40.

Is there a minimum age?

Due to the nature of training with some of the weapons we use, we require all students in our adult classes to be over 16.

The minimum age for our Junior classes is 10.

Am I too uncoordinated?

No. Eskrima builds your coordination up slowly and naturally anyway. It can look complicated to the untrained eye but everything builds up in an easy to follow way.

Do you focus on fitness?

No. We will arm you with one of the best martial art systems on the planet but how you express that system is up to you. If you want to build an area of your fitness to achieve that, or if you don’t feel you need or want to then that is entirely your own business. This is not a fitness class.

Do you only teach weapons?

No, although Eskrima has historically taught the weapons aspect of its system before the empty hands. The idea is that the weapon techniques take longer to master but that this makes learning the empty hands much easier. We teach both side by side so you’ll often be learning something with a weapon and then empty handed in the same session.

Will I get hurt?

Like any physical activity there is a risk of minor injury although every precaution is taken to avoid it. Of course accidents can happen but we do not train to cause physical injury to our training partners, even when doing something like sparring. You can expect some contact and some occasional bruises (usually on your forearms from blocking) but actual injuries are incredibly rare. Anybody who sets out to deliberately cause injury to someone they are training with will be removed from the class and will be unable to return.

Do you have to enter competitions?

No. Eskrima has been built on fighting and competition among Eskrimadors so we will always support anyone who wants to compete but we will not push anyone to do so. There are a number of competition formats in the UK including full armour, padded sticks, live stick, and forms. We will make everyone aware of those that we think might be of interest, and help train those who wish to attend, but it will not be a main focus for the club by any means.


How much does membership cost?

Mixed Adult membership is £40 a month.

Ladies-Only membership is £30 a month.

Junior membership is £25 a month.

How much do private lessons cost?

One to one sessions are £50 for 2 hours, plus £10 for every person added.

Are there any other costs?

The only money to us will be for the monthly membership. We do not, for example, charge money for gradings, and although you can purchase club t-shirts and hoodies, they are not required.

You will need to get insurance with the British Combat Association for which they currently charge between £10 and £16 a year depending on the type and your age. The club arranges this to ensure that everyone training with us is insured.

You will eventually require training weapons (sticks and training knives for adults). We do occasionally stock these ourselves although you are under no obligation to buy them from us. They can be purchased in various places online for less than £30 . Sticks do degrade over time but a set typically lasts at least a year or two.


Will I have to sign a contract?

No. Membership is paid monthly and you can cancel at any time.

Do I need insurance to train?

Yes. All of our instructors and the venues we teach in are insured but if you join us full time you will require insurance through the British Combat Association. This will be arranged for you through the club.

Can I cancel my membership?

Yes. You can cancel your membership at any time. Just drop us a message or let us know in class. We do not, and never will, try to lock you into a contract.


What are the class details?

We currently run 4 classes. For details, please see our class schedule page.

Do you offer ladies only training?

We have a ladies only class at the Pussycat Poles circus studio in Maidstone on Wednesday evenings from 20:30 until 21:30.

Please note that although the students at this class will be female only, the instructor will be male. If you wish to discuss this further, please get in touch via the contact page.

Please see our Class Schedule page for contact details.

Do you offer training for kids?

We have a juniors class for children aged between 10 to 16 at Lordswood Dancentre every Wednesday from 18:30 to 19:30.

Please see our Class Schedule page for contact details.

Do you teach private lessons/seminars/Schools?

Yes. For details of each, please see the relevant page under the classes menu at the top of the page.

Can I just turn up?

Due to class numbers we do prefer people to get in touch ahead of a class rather than just turning up. If you just turn up then you will be able to stay and watch but being able to join in will depend on the class size and what is being taught that night. Our instructors cannot discuss class details with you however until the class has finished.

What do I need to wear/bring with me?

Please wear trainers to minimise slipping but then wear anything else you are comfortable carrying out light physical activity in. It could be gym clothes or jeans and a t-shirt. Club t-shirts, hoodies, and caps are available but not required. Please just use common sense and don’t wear anything that might tear or break easily if it is accidentally caught on something. Where possible, please remove any jewellery, especially rings that can hurt others.

Please bring some water if you want it.

You’re welcome to bring song requests too as we’re often training to music!

Can I bring my own training weapons?

Yes, although real knives, machetes, etc, are absolutely forbidden. We can advise if you want to buy something suitable for classes but if you already have weapons then you are welcome to use them.

Do you provide the weapons?

We do provide weapons for classes to beginners. Unfortunately these cannot be taken away from the classes as they are often needed elsewhere. Anyone who wishes to train long term can buy their own weapons as required from a number of suppliers in the UK and we will always be happy to advise.

Get in Touch

To find out more, register interest in upcoming classes, or to enquire about coming along to a session, please get in touch via the Contact page: